Vibrato is the oscillation in pitch that happens naturally in a relaxed and well supported singing voice- usually at the end of a phrase. Vibrato is your voice’s way of releasing tension and should never be forced or faked. Skilled singers can sing with or without vibrato. They can also control the speed and intensity of their vibrato at will.
The more control you have over your vibrato, the more versatile and expressive you can be as a singer.
How To Control Your Vibrato
Here are some simple exercises to help gain control of all aspects of your vibrato.
Vocal Technique
Good vocal technique is the best way to get an even, beautiful vibrato. Too much tension in the throat & vocal folds can inhibit your vibrato or cause it to be uneven/unsteady.
Also, if you don’t have enough air flow supporting your voice, you will tense the muscles in your throat in an attempt to force the sound out. This causes vocal strain and can prevent your vocal folds from moving freely and releasing tension (and your vibrato). To learn more about vocal technique for unlocking your vibrato check out this helpful tutorial- How To Sing With Vibrato
Vibrato Styles
Classical singers use vibrato almost constantly- a very different sound than contemporary singers use.
Pop/Soul/Jazz Singer Amy Winehouse-
Here she sings with much less vibrato- mostly only coming in at the end of held notes- a Pop Music sound- “Blood Muscle Skin and Bone”
Enjoy your practice and I’ll see you next time!
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