Simple Sight Singing Exercises

sight singing exercises

Have you always wanted to learn how to read music? Do you want to improve your singing and sight singing skills? I can help you! I’ve written out some simple, helpful exercises to get you started. It’s not as hard as you might think. If sight singing is completely new to you, check out this article first- Sight Singing: A Beginners Guide

Let’s do some sight singing!

Sight Singing Exercises- Stepwise Motion

Let’s start simple. In these exercises, we’ll use only stepwise motion (no jumps between notes) and quarter notes (1 beat), half notes (2 beats) and whole notes (4 beats). First try to sight read the exercise yourself, then sing along with the recording to check yourself. If you are not sure how to sight read the exercise by yourself, sing along with the recording to learn how.

1.)Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 6.08.42 PM

Audio Player

2.)sight singing exercise

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3.)Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 6.01.11 PM

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4.sight singing exercise

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5.)sight singing exercise

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sight singing exercise

Audio Player

Sight Singing Exercises- Do-Mi-Sol

Now let’s add something a little trickier into the mix- jumping from “Do” to “Mi” to “Sol”. To practice singing these intervals, check out this tutorial- Solfege Exercises For Singers (Do-Mi-Sol)

1.)sight singing exercise

Audio Player

2.)sight singing exercise

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3.)sight singing exercise

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4.)sight singing exercise

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5.)sight singing exercise

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sight singing exercise

Audio Player

Sight Singing Exercises- 8th Notes

Let’s try a harder rhythm now. 8th notes are 1/2 beat each. Clap along with this rhythmic exercise first and then try the sight singing exercises.

8th Note Rhythmic Exercisesight singing exercises

Audio Player

1.)sight singing exercise

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2.)sight singing exercise

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3.)sight singing exercise

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4.)sight singing exercise

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5.)sight singing exercise

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6.)sight singing exercise

Audio Player


If you have any questions about these sight singing exercises, just write them in the comments section and I’ll answer them!

Need More Help?

If you are struggling with sight singing and need some one on one help, contact me to schedule a Skype lesson. We’ll get your sight singing chops up in no time 🙂


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