Learn How To Sing In Tune

Can I Learn How To Sing In Tune? Learning how to sing in tune is a skill almost everyone can master. From my experience as a voice teacher, people are generally much better singers than they give themselves credit for. In reality, only about 2% of people are actually tone deaf. Tone deafness means that…
5 Easy Vocal Warm Ups For Singers

Warming up your instrument (your voice and body) before you sing is essential to your vocal health. Jumping into singing full voice without warming up is like busting into a sprint without stretching your legs. You can hurt yourself that way! My practice sessions always begin with some easy vocalizing & stretching, then move into…
3 Easy Breathing Exercises For Singing

Learning to breath effectively is as important to singing as being able to sing in tune or being able to keep good time (stay in rhythm). Like these other fundamentals, it is a skill that can be mastered with practice. Trained singers use a breathing technique called diaphragmatic breathing. The same technique is used in…
Breathing Technique For Singing

Your voice is a wind instrument! Just like a flute or a trumpet, you need breath to produce sound. Air passes through your trachea (windpipe) and creates vibrations in your vocal folds to produce sound. When we speak, we don’t need a lot of air to make sound, but singing is a very different animal. Diaphragmatic Breathing…
How To Find Your Vocal Range- Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever been asked what your vocal range is and not had a good answer? Knowing your vocal range will help you pick the songs/keys that work best for your voice and showcase your vocal strengths. First… Lets figure out your vocal range. It’s easy! You just need to find the lowest note you…
How To Read Music- Treble Clef Notes & Bass Clef Notes

Hello Aspiring Musicians! Today I’m going to teach you the names of the music notes on the staff. If you don’t already know the names of the notes on the keyboard, you’ll need to learn them first- Check out this video. There are 5 lines and 4 spaces on the music staff. Each of these lines…
Piano Keys- A Simple Guide To Learning Notes On The Piano

Knowing your way around the piano is an essential tool for any singer. It opens so many important doors to becoming an independent and competent musician. Get to know that piano- It’s your new best friend. You’ll learn music together, write songs together…. Nearly all of my singing practice is done sitting (up straight of…