Fun Three Part Harmony Exercise!

Ok- I’ve got a new three part harmony exercise for you guys! Today’s song study is a 1940’s jazz classic made famous by the Andrew Sisters- “Sentimental Journey”. I’m going to teach you the three part harmony for the A section of this song (the verse). Here’s a video of myself and a couple of…
Tricky Music Intervals Made Easy- Hearing “Ra”
Sing the Jaws theme in your head on solfege….”Do, Ra……Do, Ra………..Do Ra Do Ra Do Ra Do Ra…..Do, Ra”. That is the interval of a minor 2nd, or “half step”. The minor second is the smallest of the music intervals in our tonal system. “Ra” is relatively easy to hear when going back and forth…
Interval Ear Training for Singers
Can you sing in tune? Does your ear need a little work? Even talented singers need to train their ears to improve their vocals. The most important musical skill a singer can have is excellent pitch. Solid rhythm is a very, very close second. I think most of us would prefer to listen to someone…
Vocal Exercise- Music Interval Training

I’ve got another great ear training exercise for you! This exercise will teach you to sing the intervals found in the major scale. A musical interval is the distance between two pitches. In this exercise, we jump from Do to each note of the major scale (Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do). This…
Join A Choir- The Benefits of Group Singing

Have you ever sung in a choir? Is it something that you’ve considered but never followed through with? Today I want to talk about the joys and benefits of group singing. The image below is a picture of my high school choir (can you find me?). I was 15 yrs old at the time and…
Chromatic Scale Solfege- How To Hear “Le”

Do you have a hard time hearing the chromatic tones of the solfege scale (the notes outside of the major scale)? You are not alone! These guys are tricky. I had a really hard time hearing them myself until I figured out an easy way to practice them. I created a few simple vocal exercises…
Awesome Vocal Exercise in Minor Key

So far, I’ve only posted vocal warm-ups based on the major scale. This new vocal exercise is in minor. It’s a fun, simple vocal exercise that you can throw into your daily practice routine. In this video tutorial, I take you through a practice session in all twelve minor keys. Minor Key Vocal Exercise Here…
Advanced Solfege Practice- Me & Se

Are you ready to take your solfege practice and sight singing to the next level? This tutorial is designed to help you hear and sing the solfege syllables “Me” and “Se”. Solfege Practice- “Me” & “Se” If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to check out the other tutorials in this series-…
How To Overcome Stage Fright- A Singer’s Guide

The first time I sang solo in front of a crowd I was 13 and petrified. It was a recital held at my middle school and I was to sing an Italian art song. By this time, I had been taking voice lessons for 2 years and knew that I wanted to be a singer.…
How To Sing The Chromatic Solfege Scale

So many of you have asked me for more solfege ear training videos. I listened and just recorded another great tutorial for you! The chromatic solfege scale is a 12 note scale that covers all of the notes on the piano. The scale is easy to play on the piano but challenging to sing. The…